Having trouble with the site? Let us know, in as much detail as possible, what you are experiencing by emailing [email protected]. We’ll get back to you as quickly as we can to assist you. The more detail you provide us (such as your operating system and the browser you are using), the quicker we’ll be able to determine what is causing you trouble.

If you are experiencing technical difficulties with Santana Fan Club such as getting an error page or are unable to make a purchase in our Store please try the following prior to emailing:

  • Update your computer by downloading the latest Windows updates
  • Update your browser to its most recent release. Please note: Internet Explorer 7 or higher on Windows Vista and higher, FireFox and Chrome are the most preferred browsers when visiting SantanaFanClub.com and its associated stores. NOTE: SantanaFanClub.com and its associated stores are not compatible with Internet Explorer 6 or earlier or any version of Internet Explorer used on the Windows XP operating system. If you are using Windows XP, please browse the site using either Firefox or Chrome.
  • Clear your computers cache/browsing history
  • Reboot your computer

If you are getting a specific error message, please be sure to make note of this in your email. Also, if you are able to attach a screenshot of the problem page with your message, this can also help expedite the trouble shooting process.