How long will it take for my order to be delivered?
Modified on: Thu, 20 Jul, 2017 at 11:43 AM is located in, and ships from Ontario, Canada. DHL Global Mail is our mail carrier of choice to ship orders worldwide. We experience average delivery times of around eight to twenty-four business/working days, depending on location. However, the destination country's mail service is the one delivering your order. For example, if you reside in the USA, it would be USPS. For the United Kingdom, it would be Royal Mail. For France, La Poste. For Germany, Deutsche Post. If you ordered multiple items, and the availability of these items differ, will make an effort to ship items separately, as they become available. Shipping charges for split orders will not exceed what you authorized. Split orders are only charged once for shipping. If you have specific questions about the delivery of your order, please open a new support ticket for assistance.
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