When you make any purchase online, a pre-authorization check is done with your credit card company to ensure that your card is valid and has sufficient funds to complete the transaction. This pre-authorization puts a hold on the funds required for the order you are placing. Once your order has been processed, your card is charged one time only.
If you experience difficulties ordering, and make several attempts to place your order, on occasion it is possible for a credit card company to pre-authorize your card multiple times, putting multiple holds on your card. Possible reasons for the transaction declining is that the billing address you entered in the ordering process does not match up exactly with the address the credit card company has on file, or there may be a typo in the expiry date or card verification number. To check that you are entering in the correct address, please review a previous credit card statement. Sometimes even one incorrect character can cause this problem.
The attempts you made for your purchase are pre-authorized, so your funds are currently on hold with your bank and not with MarkKnopfler.com. These holds will clear within three-five business days. It may be possible for us to help you get them cleared faster. Please open a new support ticket and we will assist you as best we can.